Confirmation Poem -
Life's Enchanted Garden - Mary Carpio
In life's enchanted garden
many blossoms there to see
And in the center of them all
is life's enchanted tree
The blossoms are the friendships
we've encountered through the years
Helped us through our trials
had us triumph through our fears
The wonders of the center tree
with roots stretched deep within
Is the Source that gives us life
and cleansed us from all sin
with branches wide and outstretched
reach out wide to you and me
To comfort our weary souls
from bondage, they set us free
So go to your enchanted garden
and there you're sure to find
A breath of life's purest air
which will calm your weary mind
Gospel Reading -
Which gospel reading do I think is suitable to be read during my confirmation and why?
During my confirmation, if I were to choose a gospel reading to be recited, it would be...
Matthew 28:19:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
I think this gospel reading is very encouraging and inspiring as it has many spiritual ways you can follow from. This reading from Matthew has potential in it. It is simply saying that you have been requested to spread the word of God in peaceful manners. Blessing and making everyone's day by doing what Jesus wants us to do; loving everyone around us.
When the priest reads this to everyone at church, I think it would mean that the candidates, including myself, and the people have been blessed to start a new beginning.
Presents of the Holy Spirit -
Who is an individual that personifies the Holy Spirit?
A person who I personally think resembles the Holy Spirit is my mom. I can't think of anyone else in my life who truly represents the Holy Spirit.
There are many reasons why I choose my mom. My mom is a courageous believer who helps everyone including myself into the right path. She knows exactly what's right and wrong. I know I can always rely on her. She has been supporting me til this day and I am always thankful she is right by my side at all times. My mom is a very strong person that would never give up on her goal. I do not know what to do if my mom wasn't here. I am truly grateful to say that God has blessed her.
Symbols of Confirmation -
What are 3 symbols of Confirmation and how do they relate to myself?
Laying of the Hands -
The Laying of the Hands is when one gives the power of the Holy Spirit to a person being confirmed. It represents the healing touch of Jesus Christ and it is a way to show that you are praying for them.
This symbol relates to me when I pray for others at church. I pray for the my family, the sick, and everyone in the whole world. When doing that, I grant them my power of the Holy Spirit.
Sign of the Cross -
The Sign of the Cross describes that you have been received by God, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It symbolizes how Jesus died for us.
This symbol relates to when I am confident about my surroundings with people.
The Dove -
The Dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit, It describes how Jesus was Baptized by John and how the Holy Spirit was descended on him in the form of a dove. It represents peace, gentleness, faith, and innocence.
This symbol relates to me whenever I make peace with my family and friends.
What do I love to do and how will it connect to my leadership goal for this school year?
Everyone has their own special hobby they can connect to in leadership. What I love to do in my spare time is art.
Sculptures, drawings, paintings, and more creative things that all fall into that category. To me, when I'm alone in my bedroom having nothing to do, I create art. As the time seems to quickly roll by, it makes me feel like I'm in my own world.
I think this will help me with my leadership goal because I can teach others who want to be in their own world too. The little kids who want to be an artist can come to me and learn.