Saturday 22 March 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #19

St. Patrick's Day - 

3 Paragraphs about the origins and significance of St. Patrick's Day, and St. Patrick himself

    March 17, the day where we annually celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. Millions of people commemorate St. Patrick's Day including ourselves, but do we know why he is celebrated and who was St. Patrick in the first place?  

     St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and is one of its most known figures. He was born at Kilpatrick in the year of 387, and died at Saul, 17th of March in the year of 461. When he was just 16 years of age, he was captured during a raiding party and  had been taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. When they held him captive, he spoke in the words of God and wrote a prayer. This continued on until St. Patrick was 20, when he had a dream from God, telling him to leave Ireland. Making his way back home, he reunited with his family. 

   Moving on, what is the significance of Saint Patrick's Day? In honor of St. Patrick's death, March 17 is now is a national holiday worldwide. It is not only when people do not work, but to observe it in worship and family gatherings. Today, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by wearing green which symbolizes the beginning of spring as well as the Irish culture.

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