Monday 21 April 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #20

Random Acts of Kindness - 

Reflection on Past or Potential Random Acts of Kindness

     Thinking back into the past, I can convey some random acts of kindness I have done in my  life time. Whether it was helping my classmates with homework, or even holding a door for a person, each act counts; even if it is small. Of course, I'm not the only person who gives kindness because there are many other people I see everyday show that they care. Sometimes I hear people complimenting or sharing with one another. I become inspired and very happy when it occurs. 

  A few days ago during religion, my teacher, Mr Stamegna, showed us a video to the class and I about random acts of kindness. In one of the videos, a man was holding up a sign saying "free hugs". The man got fined for the sign, but that didn't stop him. He held a petition saying that he needed signatures to allow "free hugs". With just a week or two, kind and caring people decided to help, and the man finally had enough signatures. I think this video made an impact on me because it inspired me to be more aware of my surroundings. It taught me clearly to see if anyone needed help, I'd help them. 

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