Monday 21 April 2014

Leadership Blog Post #3

Leadership Update - 

~What have you done?

  A few days ago when Ms.Fantinato was here, she asked us what we were going to do before we graduate. With my friends, we are planning to make some videos. 

~What do you plan on doing? 

   Along with my friends. Cherry-Lyn, Cherilyn, and Jade, the four of us plan to create videos using our YouTube account we plan to make. The videos will inspire many and send out a good message using music and art.  

~Has it changed or evolved from your original idea? 

   My original idea (mentioned in "Leadership Blog Post #2") was to teach art to younger children. Now, my idea evolved to an even bigger one; a goal that I can reach with a group of friends. With my original idea, art and my friend, Jade's idea being music, we decided that why don't we try combining both? Later on, we decided to work with two other people; Cherry-Lyn and Cherilyn. 

~Where do you expect to be by the end of May?

  My group mates and I expect to have many videos prepared to share with people, so that they can feel inspired and become a leader when they are in my position.  

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