Sunday 11 May 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #21 / Leadership Video 01

My Personal Soundtrack - 

Reflection on Different Moods
   In this blog post, Jade and I decided that this     should be a good time to get started on our       leadership videos we planned on making.  
    For our first video, we will be reflecting on    different moods most people have experienced    throughout their life.    

  Song Choices ~ Jade & Kate
  Drawings ~ Jade
  Subtitles/Lyrics ~ Kate

     Growing up is hard task to manage. During    your young days, you must deal with physical,    emotional and psychological challenges as    you grow. Everything happens, but it happens for a reason; for us to understand our mistakes and learn from them. In short, no matter what, everyone will always be happy in the end if you just believe. 

 Songs Used (In Order) - 

Matchbox 20-How Far We've Come 
Ed Sheeran - The A Team 
The Fray - How to Save a Life 
Phillip Phillips - Gone Gone Gone
Christina Perri - Thousand Years 
Phillip Phillips - Gone Gone Gone 
American Authors - Best Day of My Life

Monday 21 April 2014

Leadership Blog Post #3

Leadership Update - 

~What have you done?

  A few days ago when Ms.Fantinato was here, she asked us what we were going to do before we graduate. With my friends, we are planning to make some videos. 

~What do you plan on doing? 

   Along with my friends. Cherry-Lyn, Cherilyn, and Jade, the four of us plan to create videos using our YouTube account we plan to make. The videos will inspire many and send out a good message using music and art.  

~Has it changed or evolved from your original idea? 

   My original idea (mentioned in "Leadership Blog Post #2") was to teach art to younger children. Now, my idea evolved to an even bigger one; a goal that I can reach with a group of friends. With my original idea, art and my friend, Jade's idea being music, we decided that why don't we try combining both? Later on, we decided to work with two other people; Cherry-Lyn and Cherilyn. 

~Where do you expect to be by the end of May?

  My group mates and I expect to have many videos prepared to share with people, so that they can feel inspired and become a leader when they are in my position.  

Confirmation Blog Post #20

Random Acts of Kindness - 

Reflection on Past or Potential Random Acts of Kindness

     Thinking back into the past, I can convey some random acts of kindness I have done in my  life time. Whether it was helping my classmates with homework, or even holding a door for a person, each act counts; even if it is small. Of course, I'm not the only person who gives kindness because there are many other people I see everyday show that they care. Sometimes I hear people complimenting or sharing with one another. I become inspired and very happy when it occurs. 

  A few days ago during religion, my teacher, Mr Stamegna, showed us a video to the class and I about random acts of kindness. In one of the videos, a man was holding up a sign saying "free hugs". The man got fined for the sign, but that didn't stop him. He held a petition saying that he needed signatures to allow "free hugs". With just a week or two, kind and caring people decided to help, and the man finally had enough signatures. I think this video made an impact on me because it inspired me to be more aware of my surroundings. It taught me clearly to see if anyone needed help, I'd help them. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #19

St. Patrick's Day - 

3 Paragraphs about the origins and significance of St. Patrick's Day, and St. Patrick himself

    March 17, the day where we annually celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. Millions of people commemorate St. Patrick's Day including ourselves, but do we know why he is celebrated and who was St. Patrick in the first place?  

     St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and is one of its most known figures. He was born at Kilpatrick in the year of 387, and died at Saul, 17th of March in the year of 461. When he was just 16 years of age, he was captured during a raiding party and  had been taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. When they held him captive, he spoke in the words of God and wrote a prayer. This continued on until St. Patrick was 20, when he had a dream from God, telling him to leave Ireland. Making his way back home, he reunited with his family. 

   Moving on, what is the significance of Saint Patrick's Day? In honor of St. Patrick's death, March 17 is now is a national holiday worldwide. It is not only when people do not work, but to observe it in worship and family gatherings. Today, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by wearing green which symbolizes the beginning of spring as well as the Irish culture.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #18

Confirmation Poem - 

Life's Enchanted Garden - Mary Carpio

In life's enchanted garden
many blossoms there to see
And in the center of them all
is life's enchanted tree

The blossoms are the friendships
we've encountered through the years
Helped us through our trials
had us triumph through our fears

The wonders of the center tree
with roots stretched deep within
Is the Source that gives us life
and cleansed us from all sin                                   
with branches wide and outstretched
reach out wide to you and me
To comfort our weary souls
from bondage, they set us free

So go to your enchanted garden
and there you're sure to find
A breath of life's purest air
which will calm your weary mind                                                                  

Monday 17 February 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #17

Gospel Reading - 

Which gospel reading do I think is suitable to be read during my confirmation and why? 

    During my confirmation, if I were to choose a gospel reading to be recited, it would be... 

Matthew 28:19:

 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    I think this gospel reading is very encouraging and inspiring as it has many spiritual ways you can follow from. This reading from Matthew has potential in it. It is simply saying that you have been requested to spread the word of God in peaceful manners. Blessing and making everyone's day by doing what Jesus wants us to do; loving everyone around us. 

   When the priest reads this to everyone at church, I think it would mean that the candidates, including myself, and the people have been blessed to start a new beginning.  

Sunday 9 February 2014

Confirmation Blog Post #16

Presents of the Holy Spirit - 

Who is an individual that personifies the Holy Spirit?

   A person who I personally think resembles the Holy Spirit is my mom. I can't think of anyone else in my life who truly represents the Holy Spirit. 

   There are many reasons why I choose my mom. My mom is a courageous believer who helps everyone including myself into the right path. She knows exactly what's right and wrong. I know I can always rely on her. She has been supporting me til this day and I am always thankful she is right by my side at all times. My mom is a very strong person that would never give up on her goal. I do not know what to do if my mom wasn't here. I am truly grateful to say that God has blessed her.